It is not essential to check out the resources on this page to earn your digital badge, but we believe you will find them useful. The National Center for Employee Ownership has a much bigger repository of documents and templates and would love to welcome you as a member. Check out
NCEO has given us permission to share their example of an ESOP charter. As with all samples, this should be used only as a starting point for creating your own, based on your unique needs. Click here for your copy of the sample charter.
NCEO also offers this detailed guide to alternative ESOP funding plans. Click here to access.
In Module 2, Corey references questions directors can use to evaluate an appraisal. Access these questions here. He also talks about a sample evaluation for an ESOP CEO. You can find his sample here. Both these documents are provided courtesy of NCEO.
Still unclear about Board/Trustee roles? Download your own copy of this useful chart.
Check out these ESOP-focused webinars
You are not required to watch all of these webinars to complete this course and earn your digital badge, but we hope you will find them useful and interesting.
Board Governance in an ESOP Company
BoD Governance of ESOPs – What to Make of the Annual Valuation
The Importance of Independent Directors for ESOP Companies
What directors should know about the impact of the new administration on employee ownership
Mature ESOP challenges: what a board director should know
Trustee and Board of Directors: Fiduciary & Fiduciary